For all of the students worrying about their results, please don't stress too much. In the long term it is unlikely that anyone will ask you about your exam results once you have started at university. The advice that I would give to any student is that if you missed out on the places you were offered, that deferring and resitting is always an option. It is also completely feasible to put university plans on hold and go back to college as a mature student. It is also possible that the academic route is not the best choice for you, depending on what you want to do as a career.
There are options, there are possibilities. These grades are not the be all and end all.
Once the initial euphoria or panic stage has settled for a bit, speak to those you trust to have your best interests at heart before you make a decision as to next steps. I am happy to have an impartial chat with anyone who is unsure about what to do next, whether you are an existing student or are considering resitting your exams (no pressure at all to have any tuition, and there is no fee to have a chat to things through).
I messed up my A levels spectacularly, ended up going to university via clearing, doing a course I hated and inevitably dropped out after first year. I had several random jobs and eventually went back into education at the age of 30. I am not advocating that that is the optimal way to go about education, I just wanted to illustrate that is is possible to have a disastrous time in one's late teens and still end up with a PhD and a continued passion for learning and teaching.